Saturday, 14 November 2015

These Shallow Graves by Jennifer Donnelly

Well, talk about the most satisfying of unsatisfying endings. It's just *sigh*  when you know two people are so right together and then cliffhangers and- ughhhh. I'm facing a mixture of emotions right now.

These Shallow Graves. Where to start?

I think I'll start with Eddie. EDDIE! I cannot express how much I wish a man like him truly existed. His character actually effected me in more ways than one. His strength and his rustic charm and... and I'm swooning right now. Literally.

On the topic of strong characters may I just express how much I loved our main heroine, Josephine Montfort? Jo's wit and courage in the face of all that opposes her just leaps off the pages of this novel and I even found myself in awe of everything Jo overcame. Oh boy, did I have an unhealthy attachment to these characters!

And the plot! Oh the plot! (ahem, calm down Kat) Everything moved at a pace that I loved to keep up with. Just when you think you know which way things are going to turn, BAM! Another plot twist or amazing revelation.

I should probably summarise, forgive me. Here we go.

So Jo's father dies tragically but things don't add up. Was it an accident? Suicide? Or, dare I say, murder?

With the help of the ruggedly sexy reporter Eddie, Jo finds herself on this fast-paced, action-adventure to find some answers. Along the way she picks up some bad habits, meets some courageous new friends and discovers the truth of not only her father's death but also the justice needed for those who deserved it. (Honestly that's how much I can give away at this time. I'm under great personal restraint here, you have no idea)

So yeah, incredibly strong characters and the fast-paced plot combined to create a real thriller of a story! And to be honest, I took one look at the whole "mystery-thriller" genre and groaned internally. I used to find books of this kind to be extremely dull. Well, from now on I think I might be a little more open-minded when it comes to this sort of thing. These Shallow Graves has definitely changed my opinion on YA crime/mystery and I'm thankful for it.

Interesting quote: "This is the best thing, Jo. The city stretched out before you, glittering like a sack of diamonds. Yours for the taking. A drink and a smoke and no one to please but yourself. Freedom."

4 out of 5 stars.

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