I will admit, I am one of those readers that looks at the crime-solving genre and immediately hits the snooze button in my brain. And I look at teenage mystery stories with even less excitement. So naturally I had low expectations going in.
How wrong I was! Not only was the writing fluid and expressive but Tromly manages to make each one of her characters lovable. Yes, even the bullies that you just want to love to hate. Also, if you're a teenage girl and you don't end up falling in love with Digby even just a little by the end of the book then you may have something seriously wrong with you.
This book was similar to watching a TV show. Not as mind-numbing, but just as effortless. Our protagonist, Zoe, is ordinary. That's it. She's just a regular girl (not unlike you or me) who finds an adventure on her doorstep. This adventure comes in the form of Digby, the school's local troublemaker/detective/brutally-honest-outcast-with-a-kind-of-dark-past.
There is something so beautiful about this though. This book didn't make me wish guys were like this in real life. It didn't give me unreal expectations about friendship or enemies-turned-friends. This book made me believe that if you don't got out searching for adventure than eventually it'll find you and turn your seemingly ordinary life into something special. It may come in the form of some sexy stranger on your doorstep or in the form of a new friend but this book gives me hope that adventure will come. No matter what.
5 out of 5 stars.
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